I’m a bit staggered by the blatant racism that is on full, unapologetic display now…both online and in the real world…an overheard conversation while waiting on a flight…comments on Facebook forums dedicated, ironically, to contemplative prayer….angry stares….racism is nothing new but it has definitely been given “permission” to be out in the open.
I shall not tolerate racism, sexism, etc. because that is the truest indicator of a lack of empathy. If you look at common factors of evil deeds, it always starts with a lack of empathy.
That said, I do get sad when I encounter racism, in that there are wounds, ignorance, and fear at the root of any lack of empathy. There is inevitably a hurt person behind hate and anger. I believe that hate must be resisted against but I also think that resistance is to be animated by love and compassion, not more hate. I do believe that is what Jesus was driving at when he said “Love your enemy”…..which is hard….very hard…but I believe it is what we are called to do to combat evil.